One of these companies is Fixa Construction Chemicals, which has been one of the key companies at the exhibition since 2013. We had the chance to chat with the General Manager of Fixa, Ali Murat Ekin on their insights on the industry and why they choose Turkeybuild Istanbul to meet potential customers.
What are your main reasons for exhibiting at Turkeybuild Istanbul?
Turkeybuild Istanbul is an extensive exhibition that brings together all key parts of the industry in Turkey. We get to find potential customers from around the world, meet new contacts face-to-face, catch up with the trends in the industry and get immediate feedback. This helps us both in our future R&D operations and in staying current in how we do business.
Why do you think industry professionals should visit Turkeybuild Istanbul?
By attending the exhibition, industry professionals can meet a lot of companies and brands under one roof. Foreign manufacturers are also at the exhibition which allows suppliers and industry professionals from around the world to get together. Even exhibitors can learn about new applications and technology directly from these manufacturers.
What are your comments and insight about the building industry around the globe?
As the internet has become widespread, the world got smaller and faster. Customers can find a lot of things online. Even though the interest in some exhibitions have decreased because of this, Turkeybuild Istanbul is maintaining its importance because it is inclusive, keeps up with the technology and offers its visitors a different experience through its organization and innovations its exhibitors bring to the table.
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Why does Fixa Construction Chemicals choose Turkeybuild Istanbul?